
teorema superposisi

Teorema superposisi

Teorema superposisi berlaku untuk semua rangkaian linir dan bilateral, jadi berlaku juga untuk semua rangkaian-rangkaian yang terdiri dari R,L, dan C asal saja elemen-elemen ini linear dan bilateral. Suatu elemen

dikatakan linear bila antara tegangan pada elemen itu dan arus yang disebabkan oleh tegangan tersebut mempunyai hubungan yang linier bila di hubungkan pada elemen itu. Dan dikatakn bilateral bila arus atau tegangan akan mengalir pada sama besar untuk kedua arah.

Teorema superposisi menyatakan sebagai berikut : bila suatu rangkaian terdiri dari lebih dari satu sumber dan tahanan-tahanan atau impedansi-impedansi linear dan bilateral, dari arus-arus yang disebabkan oleh tiap-tiap sumber tersendiri dengan sumber-sumber lainnya dalam keadaan tidak bekerja.

Untuk menggunakan teorema tersebut ada dua aturan yang dapat digunakan, sehingga diperoleh besaran yang diinginkan. Aturan-aturan tersebut adalah sebagai berikut :

Aturan 1 : suatu sumber yang tidak bekerja memiliki tegangan nol. Ini berarti dapat diganti dengan suatu hubungan singkat (cloced circuit).

Aturan 2 : suatu sumber yang tidak bekerja dan memiliki arus nol berarti dapat diganti dengan suatu hubungan terbuka (open circuit).

Teorema superposisi sangat berguna untuk menentukan besarnya response dari suatu rangkaian apabila dihubungkan pada banyak sumber masukan.



It's difficult to choose between many of the different privacy software programs on the market - the problem is that they all offer slightly different features. Before you should choose which program is right for you it's probably best to run through some of the potential risks to your privacy.

Privacy on your Local Machine

If you share a computer with many people and your primary concern is to protect your privacy then this is possibly the simplest problem to solve. In fact it is unlikely you need any software at all as most of the new browsers have privacy features built in. These privacy features are all to do with removing traces of your web browsing from the local machine - that is cookies, web history and records. If you remember to clear your web history or use the privacy mode (in Chrome it's called incognito mode) then that should keep your surfing private from any shared computer users.

Privacy from the Web Sites you Visit

Every web site you visit will record details of your connection in their logs, this is based on your IP address so it can be linked to your computer and ISP account. To stop this happening you will need to surf through a proxy server, there are many privacy programs which search for anonymous proxies and change your browser settings to surf through them. In this case your IP address is not logged on the web server only the proxies is recorded.

Remember though your session is logged on the proxy server you surf through, make sure the privacy software you select uses safe, private proxies and doesn't just search for free ones on the internet - they are unsafe to surf through and are often run by identity thieves.

Total Privacy on the Internet

The final piece of the jigsaw is to protect your complete connection. THe most complete logs of all your web browsing history are stored at your ISP, these are generally kept for up to two years in the US and Europe. Unfortunately although governments legislate that these records are kept for two years so that they can use them for investigations they make no demands on how this data is secured or stored. THe ISP logs are a complete, full record of every web site, email or download you make on the internet - they should be highly secured - but are they?

If you want to make these logs unreadable, and your connection secure from wireless, ISP and other logs then you need to encrypt your connection. Look for privacy software programs that offer a secure VPN or encrypted tunnel - this will ensure that all your data is encrypted and cannot be read by anyone at all.

To see which software I use which offers a full encryption, private proxies and total privacy check out the links below.

Online Surf Protection

Try the new free demo of Identity Cloaker on the link below.

Anonymous Surfing Demo

Take care and stay safe.

warcraft II

To make gold in the World or Warcraft and the expansions of the Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King, you must learn how to use the Auction House. The Auction House is one of the quickest ways to make easy wow gold. If you have ever wondered how many of the gold masters are able to boast making over 200 golds per hour, the answer is simply - they have mastered the secrets of the Auction House and can easily make this amount without breaking sweat through artful and skillful trading.

The Auction House pros are not simply dumping their stash and running for the exit, they're scouring the auction pages for well known items and trade goods that have been undervalued and snapping them up. They're either using their purchases for their own crafting or simply re-list them at a higher price and making a nice profit.

If you want to achieve the same level of success as the pros, then you need to spend a little more time in the Auction House and less time in the Pig & Whistle, drinking with the Dwarves. Here are a few tips:

1. Know Your Market

There are literally thousands of items to trade on the Auction House and you can't be familiar with them all. Try to specialize on those items that you need for crafting and get to know their relative prices. So if you're an Alchemist and need a constant supply of herbs for your profession, then the Herb pages should be your main focus. You'll soon know when a stack of Peacebloom has been undervalued.

2. Set a Buyout Price

Players want stuff now - not in 48hrs, so it helps to set a keen Buyout price that represents the Median (most frequent seen price) as opposed to the Average price. Set the price too high and your items won't sell and you'll end up losing your deposit; set the price too low and you'll make a loss once the Auction House takes its cut.

3. Set a Bid Price

A good rule-of-thumb is to make the bid price about 5-10% less than the Buyout price. To hook players, I sometimes set a much lower, break even price, just to get folks bidding.

4. Break up Your Stacks

Stacks in your bag can be broken up into any number of stack sizes by Shift+Right-Clicking on an item. If you're having trouble selling items in stacks of 20, try breaking them up into smaller sizes, but always charge a premium. Try to sell quest items in the right stack size needed to complete the quest. Folks are reluctant to buy 20 Blue Pearls when they only need 9 as an example.

5 Try the Trade Channel

If you have posted a relatively expensive item, but are having trouble selling it, try announcing the item on the Trade channel. You may get some interest.

If you want to know more secrets of the World of Warcraft and WOTLK then subscribe to my free e-guide by following the links below.

Marcus Ty is a level 80 Alliance Mage of Stormwind and has written extensively on the art and craft of making World of Warcraft Gold. His tips and strategies are chronicled in The Journal of Marcus Ty - WoW Gold Guide which is free to subscribers. More articles may also be found on his World of Warcraft Gold Blog together with details on how to contact the great Mage.


Have you started playing World of Warcraft, chosen which type of weapon that you wanted to use and only stuck with that type of weapon? I have, and if you decide later on that you want to learn to use a different type of weapon, raising your skill in the new branch can be a hassle. Here are some tips about learning new weapons.

There are many different weapon groups for you to train in and the trainers for different types of weapons are scattered amongst the major cities for Alliance or Horde. The weapon trainer in your home (major) city will tell you where you can train for weapons that they don't offer. Be aware that some classes cannot use certain types of weapons.

Let's say that you have a rogue who specializes in daggers but then you decide to "spec" in combat. This is not an ideal weapon/spec combination.

If your heart is set on backstabbing your enemies then you will need a dagger in your main hand. Mutilation may be a better spec for that. For a combat spec though, a slower weapon that has higher critical damage is a better option than a dagger that has faster attack but lower damage. By lower damage I mean overall attack damage, not to be confused with damage per second (DPS). The reason a slower and higher attack weapon is better is that you get much better damage by using the special attacks that the combat spec uses. So now you need to learn different weapon classes.

Using the example above...A good solution would be to keep your dagger in your main hand and put a sword, mace or fist weapon in your off hand. You can begin to raise that weapon skill in your off hand regardless of what level your World of Warcraft character is. Once you get that skill raised to a comfortable weapon skill level for your character level (level x 5), then you can put it in your main hand and go from there. If you need to raise another weapon skill, rinse and repeat. If you are getting beat up badly because you are not connecting with your unskilled, off hand weapon, keep your bag open that has another weapon in which you are more skilled and switch weapons in the middle of the fight. Regain your health after the fight and start over with your "bad" weapon.

Using this method you will be able to max your weapon skills quickly. I never used a one hand mace on my rogue until level 76 (sad, I know) but was maxed out within a level or two. Using this method my rogue is now equally skilled in daggers, one hand swords, one hand maces and fist weapons, (which shows as unarmed skill). Also, throwing but that is a different issue. This will work for all melee classes.

There is an achievement for mastering four different weapons. Typically you can get all four weapon types skilled up each level. If you are still a point or two away from your max by the time you "ding", don't sweat it because you will raise skills quickly when starting a new level.

So even if you are completely unskilled in a weapon, don't let that stop you from getting your achievement and being versatile enough to be proficient in several weapon types because you just never know when a great item will drop in an instanced dungeon. That is one of the perks of World of Warcraft, the unknown.

John Dobbins

For World of Warcraft gold guides and more WoW tip please check my websites at http://SmartWarcrafter.Wordpress.com or my main site http://SmartWarcrafter.com